Top 10 Machine Learning Conferences to Attend in 2021

Are you excited to learn about the latest trends in machine learning? Are you ready to network with experts in the field and explore innovative ideas for your projects? Then, you shouldn't miss these top 10 machine learning conferences in 2021!

1. NeurIPS Conference

The Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, commonly known as NeurIPS, is one of the biggest and most prestigious conferences in the field of machine learning. It focuses on topics like deep learning, reinforcement learning, and probabilistic modeling. The conference usually takes place in December, but this year it will be held online from December 6-14, 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2. ICML Conference

The International Conference on Machine Learning, or ICML, is another major event in the machine learning community. It covers a broad range of topics, including optimization, causality, and fairness. This year's conference will be held from July 18-24, 2021, as a virtual event.

3. ICLR Conference

The International Conference on Learning Representations, or ICLR, is a relatively new but rapidly growing conference. It is focused on the intersection of deep learning and representation learning. The conference usually takes place in April or May, but this year it was held virtually from May 4-8, 2021.

4. AAAI Conference

The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, or AAAI, holds an annual conference that attracts researchers and practitioners in the fields of AI and machine learning. The conference covers a wide range of topics, including natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics. This year's conference will be held virtually from February 2-9, 2021.

5. KDD Conference

The Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, or KDD, conference is focused on techniques for extracting knowledge from data. It covers topics like data mining, machine learning, and big data analytics. This year's conference will be held from August 14-18, 2021, as a virtual event.

6. AISTATS Conference

The Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, or AISTATS, is a relatively small but prestigious conference that focuses on statistical analysis for machine learning. It covers topics like Bayesian methods, graphical models, and kernel methods. This year's conference was held virtually from April 13-15, 2021.

7. CVPR Conference

The Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, or CVPR, is one of the largest conferences in the field of computer vision. It covers topics like image and video analysis, object recognition, and deep learning. This year's conference was held virtually from June 21-25, 2021.

8. ECCV Conference

The European Conference on Computer Vision, or ECCV, is another major event in the field of computer vision. It covers topics like 3D vision, scene understanding, and deep learning for vision. This year's conference will be held from August 23-28, 2021, as a hybrid event, with both virtual and on-site attendance options.

9. COLT Conference

The Conference on Learning Theory, or COLT, is focused on theoretical foundations of machine learning. It covers topics like online learning, statistical learning theory, and computational complexity. This year's conference will be held from July 19-23, 2021, as a virtual event.

10. EMNLP Conference

The Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, or EMNLP, is focused on machine learning techniques for natural language processing tasks like sentiment analysis, machine translation, and semantic parsing. This year's conference will be held from November 7-11, 2021, as a hybrid event, with both virtual and on-site attendance options.


Attending machine learning conferences is a great way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the field, network with other professionals, and explore innovative ideas for your projects. Whether you prefer virtual or on-site events, there are plenty of options to choose from in 2021. Which conference are you most excited about attending? Let us know in the comments!

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